Ensuring timeliness and data quality in the transport management process is our core business. In addition, together with our start up Legur,we have realised for Brivio & Viganò un optimised transport logistics solution for their needs. Leveraging G-Transport X,our app and control tower for logistics and transport, we have developed a tool to help the daily work of drivers and operators within the company.
The Optimised Solution
Thanks to our collaboration, we have created a solution that responds perfectly to Brivio & Viganò’s needs. In fact, G-Transport X is designed to offer complete and integrated support, making the operators’ daily work more efficient. In addition, our app ensures smoother and more organised management of daily operations.
How does G-Transport X work?
In real time, the driver receives on the G-Transport X app the digital border with the details of the journey. For example, this includes the list of loads and unloads, the addresses of the different platforms, the date and time. In addition, the driver enters a range of information such as the start and end of the loading/unloading, photographs of the documents received, epal loaded and unloaded for each platform, and the delivery outcome. Subsequently, all data is sent in real time to the company’s TMS. Which then saves it and makes it available to the various offices for further processing.
Advanced Functionality of G-Transport X
G-Transport X is a complete app and web solution, as it is enhanced with ChatB2B, AI, Routing, ETA and GoogleMaps. In addition, it offers the possibility to integrate with all corporate systems. In this way, it ensures effective and coordinated transport management. Therefore, operations become more streamlined and organised.
Acknowledgements and Future Perspectives
We would like to thank Brivio & Viganò for giving us the opportunity to tell you about this project. We continue to work together to pursue continuous improvement and integrate new functionalities. In addition, we are committed to developing further innovations to make processes even more efficient. Finally, we firmly believe that this collaboration represents a great step forward for modern logistics.
Read the full story of our project with Brivio&Viganò! This collaboration is an important step towards smarter and more sustainable logistics.