Our Clients
40 h
200 +
100 k
Discover some of our best cases!
GE Healthcare
Booking company spaces and building security
GE Healthcare chose G-HR to manage corporate space reservations and employee safety in emergency situations.
Reservation of company space
Futura Spaces is the app designed for Unieuro to allow the booking of desks, meeting rooms and common areas within offices. All this, of course, without ever giving up efficiency and convenience.

Managing Attendance, Shifts, Leaves, and Expenses

Keep an eye on all projects and activities.

Clock-Ins and External Access Management for Your Business’s Security

Communication Between Company and Employee

Stop Arguing with Colleagues Over Meeting Room or Company Car Reservations

Access Control and Management

Emergency Management and Safety

We Integrate with the software you already use
All Microsoft services: from login with a corporate account to calendar, email, and Microsoft Azure.
Available in the G-HR Solution: Google Services G-HR integrates Google services: from SSO login, to calendar, email, and Microsoft Azure.
SSO Login with Microsoft or Google for a Fast and Secure Registration Process
To Digitize and Facilitate Map-Based Reservations
Copilot AI
G-HR integrates Microsoft’s AI capabilities into the platform.
With the Welfare Module, We Integrate All Services Offered by Valyouness for Fringe Benefits