Gulliver & Legur for Brivio & Viganò

Ensuring timeliness and data quality in the transportation management process is our core-business. Together with our start-up Legur, we have created for Brivio & Viganò a solution optimized for their needs, leveraging G-Transport X, our app and control tower for #logistics and #transport, developed to help the day-to-day work of the driver and operators within the company.

How it works.
In real time, the driver receives on the G-Transport X app the digital border with the details of the trip such as the list of loads and unloads, addresses of different platforms, date and time of reference. In turn, the driver enters a range of information (such as start and end of loading/unloading, photographs of documents received, #epal loaded and unloaded for each platform, delivery outcome, etc…); all the data is then sent in real time to the company TMS, which allows it to be saved and makes it available to the various offices for further processing.

G-Transport X is a complete App and Web solution powered with #ChatB2B, #AI, #Routing, #ETA, #GoogleMaps and with the ability to integrate with all enterprise systems.

We thank Brivio & Viganò for the opportunity to tell us about this project: We continue to work together, to pursue continuous improvement and integrate new features.

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