Innovative Logistics


Collaboration with Sorgenia: A Success Story of Innovative Logistics

Our collaboration with Sorgenia, which began through a partnership with Vodafone Business, led to the creation of Sorgenia BioTrack. This advanced biomass management solution is a successful example of innovative logistics. Sorgenia BioTrack is a platform that guarantees the complete traceability of biomass from origin to end use, integrating detailed data on the quality of the material and facilitating the real-time matching of supply and demand.

Turning Waste into Energy

Solid biomass from plant waste is transformed by Sorgenia into renewable and environmentally friendly energy. This process, which in the past was considered a disposal cost, is now an opportunity to produce electricity. As a result, this approach is part of a circular economy system that uses a sustainable local supply chain, helping to reduce waste and produce clean energy. Sorgenia Bioenergie therefore plays a crucial role in Italy’s energy transition, ensuring the stability of the national grid even when other renewable resources are not available.

Optimising Data Management

Our solution centralised Sorgenia’s data management, thus improving traceability and transparency in the supply chain. With Sorgenia BioTrack, processes have been automated, allowing suppliers to share documents digitally and operators to quickly check the quality of raw materials. As a result, operational efficiency has improved by 20-30%.

Rapid Integration with Agile Methodology

Integration of our platform was rapid thanks to the Agile methodology, facilitating adoption of the solution by both internal and external users. Laboratories can now directly input analysis results into the system, speeding up monthly closing processes and providing detailed data for more informed decisions. In addition, the collaboration with Vodafone Business enabled the platform to be launched in just four months, significantly improving operations management.

Focus on Sustainability and Innovation

Looking to the future, Sorgenia remains focused on sustainability, innovation, and relevance in the country’s energy transformation process. Shortly after adopting Sorgenia BioTrack, the company also chose to adopt our human resources management solution. This includes booking desks, parking spaces, and sports fields. Called Sorgenia Booking, it allows the nearly 600 employees in the Milan office to view space availability, send reminders, and ensure efficient space management.

This collaboration is therefore a prime example of how digital solutions can transform the energy sector and beyond, offering effective tools for innovative logistics and optimal resource management. As a result, we are excited about the opportunities ahead and determined to continue growing and improving.